
Eternium hidden class passives
Eternium hidden class passives

It has domain over water, disease and the winter. Water: Symbolized by the Ethereal Terrapin of the North. It has domain over air, combat and the fall. Metal: Symbolized by the White Tiger of the West. It has domain over earth, fortune and knowledge. It is said Fire leads to.Įarth: Symbolized by the Yellow Chimera of the Center. It has domain over fire, rebirth and the summer. It is said Wood leads to.įire: Symbolized by the Flaming Fowl of the South. This element has domain over life, refresh and the spring. Wood: Symbolized by the Emerald Dragon of the East. Old skills have ceased to function, you will need to relearn and remaster. Mastery over these FIVE will grant power beyond comprehension. Five basic elements make up everything in your old reality. Your destiny is now unwritten, who will you be.įrom the jade tablets that have passed down through the guild for millions of years, secrets to the world are revealed. With only your flying sword by your side and years of training from the guild that you might never be able to return to. One minute, you were in the fight of your life against a thousand year old zombie king, next minute you are here, in a world you no longer recognize. Normal Attacks, Utility Skills, Passives, and finally Finishing Moves. Subsequent posts will give detailed info on class skills broken up by sections. Enemies’ level increases with each trial.This post will simply layout the basics of the class, explain some of the mythical background to some of the skills. If you defeat the boss, then you can start the next trial. To complete a trial, you have to defeat the boss before time runs out.

eternium hidden class passives

You will not get gold from enemies except the boss. When you start a trial, you get 10 minutes to complete it. Trials of Valor – It’s a time-based mode and contains multiple levels. PvP – In this mode, you will fight against a real player in a 1 on 1 fight.

eternium hidden class passives

In it, you can invite your friends, form a party and complete the story mode or dungeons together. A play story mode to find out the complete story of the game.Ĭo-op – It’s a multiplayer mode. In each act, you will face at least one boss. There are a total of 38 levels in these acts. Story Mode – In this mode, you will go through many quests to find Ragadam who corrupted the Elderath. It has multiple interesting game modes you can play to earn different rewards and face various challenges.

Eternium hidden class passives